It's Time to Slow Down : Ways to Combat Depression At Night - By Curtis Bryant
Would you believe me, if I told you last year around this time. I was taking antidepressants and in one of the most depressive states of my life?
I mean so depressed and full of fear, that many nights I would sleep with my lights on and the door opened just enough. For my roommate to come into my room, just in case.
The nighttime was the worst time. Every thought in my head seemed to be running on a sped up treadmill. One that my body and spirit couldn't keep up with. -- Sweating in my sleep, crying before I closed my eyes and random panic attacks in the middle of the night, were super common.
It's a year later and I'm no longer on antidepressants and with the tips I will share and a few other positive additions to my life. I'm so happy to be here. God really worked it out!
It's important to know and always remember, that depression affects everyone very differently. I hope these suggestions will help you but even if they aren't for you personally. May they spark another personal solution.
1. Make The Time : It;s important to know that you and only you can give yourself what you need. You can defeat depression by committing. Choose a time to begin to slow down. For me personally, this time is 6pm. At 6pm I put my phone down and decide what it is, I need to end the day right. Our days take a lot of us and if you are having a rough day, your depression probably will become triggered easily. Place a reminder, in your phone and honor it.
2. Wash It Away : As a Pisces myself, I love the water. Even if it's in my own bathroom. Showers have such healing powers. A shower before bed, is sure to put you in a great and calm mood. I literally thought I had made this up but then I saw a post on Instagram talking about Meditative Showering. -- As you're washing, imagine releasing any depressive thoughts. Be present as possible and sing if it helps.
3. Cook For Your Spirit And Not Your Stomach : This tip is super important because as we know, depression is a big debbie downer. You can feel powerless over changing your mood. As it has the ability to change at any moment. But I truly believe food has the power to change our mood as well. My suggestion is to cook yourself a meal. Again one that is gonna help your spirit and not just your stomach. -- Google foods and fruits which work as mood boosters and have fun. Take your time and try a new recipe. The process of cooking is just as powerful as the final meal.
4. Write It Down : I don't care what I'm talking about. Somehow God and journaling will always come up in conversation. I don't have to tell you how powerful writing and journaling is. It is one of the most therapeutic hobbies anyone could have. -- I encourage you to treat yourself to a new journal. And only write in it at night. Keep it's entries specific and intentional. Let the entries work as an inventory and a timeline of your thoughts at night. You have the power to leave it on the page.
I don't really want to make this a tip but I have to share... It's so important to choose the conversations you engage with before bed. Be honest about how you're feeling and hold space to yourself. Anyone who loves you will understand.
I Love You