Hi, I’m Tianna,

Writer| Marketing Maven | Brand Consultant

& Founder of The Localista Blog and Portwell Creations.

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Fall Equinox Tarotscopes - By Curtis Bryant

Fall Equinox Tarotscopes - By Curtis Bryant

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  • (3/21 to 4/19)

  • Alias: The Ram

As summer comes to an end, and the fall and holiday season quickly approaches. You want to make sure, all of the holiday food options doesn't ruin the body you've been working so hard to take care of. Whether it's a new workout routine or the new diet you're on, keep up the consistency and don't let anyone throw you off course. This would be a great time to inspire others with all you've learned too. Don't keep all this great information to yourself.

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  • (4/20 to 5/20)

  • Alias: The Bull

You may have already decided, that this fall you will really take care of your spirit. Like the bears, you will go into hibernation and go within yourself to find purpose. If you've been looking for assistance, I would suggest finding a real healing spiritual practice like yoga, meditation, and even church. As hardworking as you are, you don't always have to evolve in busy moments. The calm ones count too.

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  • (4/20 to 5/20)

  • Alias: The Twins

Expect miracles this fall season Gemini. I feel confidently in saying, these miracles won't require much from you. As you move in authenticity for the remaining months of the year, you will find yourself in the right places at the right time and connecting with the right people. With that being said, don't be shy this season as you never know who you're speaking to. Never judge a book by it's cover.

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  • (6/21 to 7/22)

  • Alias: The Crab

Things are aligning in ways that you can't see Cancer. Expect good news to present itself back to back this fall season. Don't drive yourself crazy, trying to control every outcome because as we've seen in the past, it doesn't help anything. The key to your success this season is faith and trust. Not only in yourself but in things bigger than you.

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  • (8/23 to 8/22)

  • Alias: The Lion

Similar to Taurus, this fall season will have a big focus on spiritual growth. Pay attention to your dreams Leo, as they may be very vivid. Keep a dream journal nearby your bed because you may begin to notice, some consistent themes. Whatever you can remember, write it down and research each meaning. Our dreams are the fastest way to the deepest parts of us. Dive into yourself as much as possible this last quarter. 2020 will give you a chance to showcase all of your hard work.

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  • (8/23 to 9/22)

  • Alias: The Virgin

This fall season, could show itself to have a huge love focus. While others will be running like chickens with their head cut off, you will have loved finding you. Remember that love comes in many forms and fashions. Don't limit your thought of love to just romance. You could find this season to be, full of beautiful connections. Whether that be at work, on projects, in your family and yes, even in your bedroom.

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  • (9/23 to 10/22)

  • Alias: The Scales

As we get closer to your birthday season, it's important that you take the final months of this year to take inventory of how far you've come. Instead of focusing on what hasn't been working, use your energy to focus on what is working. Living in the past doesn't support your progression. *Whispers* Start planning for 2020 Libra. Give yourself a head start so you don't find yourself feeling overwhelmed. You control more than you know.

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  • (10/23 to 11/21)

  • Alias: The Scorpion

This fall season, is calling for all of those amazing ideas to be shared with the world. You've spent enough time, manifesting, planning, sketching and drafting emails, it's time to send that email, buy the material and have a show. Even if you aren't in a creative field specifically, you know what idea or goal I'm talking about. What's been keeping you in fear? Don't Answer That! Get to work instead.

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  • (11/22 to 12/21)

  • Alias: The Archer

Expansion is the first word, to come to mind. I'm feeling a wedding or a possible baby coming? If you've been thinking to expand your life and family in this way, know that you are so supported. But before you go making announcements, check in with yourself and your partner and make sure everyone is on the same page. One band, One sound is a great mantra to follow and possibly teach, to those who have other plans to waste your time.

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  • (12/22 to 1/19)

  • Alias: The Seagoat

Slow and steady wins the race Capricorn. As 2019 prepares to take a final bow, you may have been waiting for some confirmation. Please don't waste your time sitting and waiting or a particular confirmation, when other confirmations are being revealed at this moment. Do your best, to let go of this "grass is greener" thinking and pay more attention to the grass you've been planted in. Too deep?

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  • (1/20 to 2/18)

  • Alias: The Water Carrier

All things are working for your good this season Aquarius. At this point, you can't be shocked when things don't work out because you've come to realize that, you always land on your feet. Any opportunity, you do not receive in this season isn't meant for you and most importantly will make room for a more destined opportunity. This Fall Equinox has a big career focus, so get some new business cards, update your resume and keep your eyes and ears open, for opportunities both near and far. Be open to expansion, as you may find new opportunity in a new city or state. Pack light and get ready for your close up.

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  • (2/19 to 3/20)

  • Alias: The Fishes

You will have a lot to celebrate this Fall Equinox Pisces. And it's good to know, you'll be around amazing people too. I know you enjoy like minded people and you can be sure, this like minded crowd will enjoy your authentic energy. So don't even think about impressing anyone. If anything, others will do their best to impress you. Because so many people, will see the light in you be sure to see the gold in them. Your abundance is connected to community.

Cultivating Your Wellness Journey - By Dr. Mary Tracey, ND, CNS

Cultivating Your Wellness Journey - By Dr. Mary Tracey, ND, CNS

4 Ways to Stay Connected when your World Feels Lonely

4 Ways to Stay Connected when your World Feels Lonely